Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sports Heaven vs Exam Hell

Exams kind of forced me to forget about the blog for a bit there but the answer to the April Fools' multiple choice question was.... bum ba da bummm bummmm: 
#3- Michael Heisley is the single most evil person ever to have lived on the planet Earth is FALSE
Are you people kidding me? Michael Heisley is not the SINGLE most EVIL person on Earth, he is (obviously) in a dead-heat tie with this guy.

Now I'm a little late on the playoff predictions but here goes anyway...
-Lakers are taking down the NBA Finals over the Cavs
-San Jose is not winning the Stanley Cup
-The Cup winner will be Detroit, Vancouver, Boston or Pittsburgh
-My heart of hearts says it's going to be Vancouver FTW

Wave those towels!

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