Wednesday, June 3, 2009

real problems vs sports

In the midst of a deep recession, the collapse and bankruptcy of GM (marking the greatest industrial failure in United States history), climate change, a war in Iraq and Afghanistan, failing health care and education systems, North Korea successfully launching nuclear missiles, and a newly appointed Supreme Court justice, it's good to see that the US government is focused on things that actually matter. Democrat congressman Steve Cohen of Tennessee is demanding that the NBA look into and change its controversial age rule. This comes shortly after a Congressional Subcommittee was formed to determine whether the NCAA football Bowl Championship Series should be revised into a playoff system. Seriously? I mean...seriously? I don't know if this speaks worse about these self-serving congressmen trying to make a name for themselves, or the fact that the divisive American political system is broken. Rep. Joe Barton of Texas (by the way, if Texas succeeds from the United States, will it become the InterNational Football League?) put it best, when he asked: "if we don't see some action in the next two months on a voluntary needs to be something that you need to start discussing." No, you grandstanding, reporter-assaultingscience-doubting assholes, its not. People in your districts and right across the country you swore to represent are losing their jobs, their livelihoods, their health care, their sons and daughters oversees, and their faith in their own government. The intricacies of a draft rule designed to protect education and the proper determination of a team ranking based on mathematics are NOT priorities for the only institution with the ability to fix thousands of real problems affecting real people every day. You're undermining your country and ruining the reputations of those in government who are actually trying to do some good. Stop trying to pretend these are real issues, grow up, and do your fucking jobs. End rant. 

However, if the US government were to mandate that the NHL be put back on ESPN, that'd be totally awesome.

Wings in 6, Lakers in 5.

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