Monday, April 19, 2010

The Half Court Press Blows Up, Gets Rich and Famous, Throws It All Away on Hookers and Coke Parties

This news is a little overdue, but exam time has hit me pretty hard. As our most religious followers out there may already know, the Half Court Press' Playoff Previews were featured on Yahoo! Sports Puck Daddy Blog last week. And by featured, I mean buried amid the daily Puck Headlines. Baby steps. Many thanks to Wysh over at Puck Daddy for the shoutout. Here's a link and the screenshot:,233633

Also: how amazing has the first round been so far? Even Bill Simmons over at ESPN - who never misses an opportunity to bash his once-beloved Bruins - has been talking up playoff hockey (I now expect an excited blog post from Bill about how he was featured on the HCP). I'll be back for round 2 predictions after the craziness is over.

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